H.R. Owen has long-standing relationships with a large number of financiers, including the manufacturer’s official finance division Lamborghini Finance. These connections, along with the knowledge of our sales advisors, enable you to negotiate a suitable payment plan and insurance policy.
You can choose between an assortment of Hire Purchase, Lease Purchase and Personal Contract Purchase arrangements to fund your new Lamborghini or pre-owned Lamborghini, in addition to conventional car loans:
Hire Purchase agreements comprise of a deposit (made up of cash, equity from a part-exchanged vehicle or a combination of the above) followed by regular monthly payments until the end of a pre-agreed term.
Lease-Purchase agreements defer the lump sum of a deposit to the end of the term in exchange for reduced payments.
In Personal Contract Purchase agreements, a Guaranteed Minimum Future Value (the predicted resale value of the vehicle at the end of the term) is agreed with the finance company. At the end of the term, you can give the vehicle back, pay the GMFV, or part-exchange it for another car. It is also best to buy a specialist insurance package for your Lamborghini. Policies offering such benefits as tyre protection, track day cover and specialist roadside assistance (pick-up equipment that can transport vehicles with very low bodies, for example) can ensure greater peace of mind in the event of theft, accident or simple wear and tear. Our advisors will again be able to recommend an appropriate policy.
Buying standard car insurance can be ineffective and costly for prestige and luxury vehicles. This is why we set up H.R. Owen Insurance Services, a specialist insurance broker serving discerning private and corporate clients. Its team of experienced professionals provides expert, confidential advice and insurance services to clients who require full protection for high-value luxury assets.
HR Owen Insurance Services also serves investors in real estate and professional firms as well as the charity and not-for-profit sector. H.R. Owen brings a unique approach to these very different areas of insurance. HR Owen Insurance Services is a jointly owned partnership between one of the leading practitioners of specialist general insurance for private clients and commercial property in the UK, Stackhouse Poland Ltd and H.R. Owen.
HR Owen Insurance Services Ltd offers enhanced cover and exclusive premiums. As part of the service we offer a complimentary insurance ‘health-check’ to ensure your arrangements meet your individual needs and are competitively priced. The policies that we provide are not available directly with insurers, banks or price comparison websites. For more details, visit www.hroweninsurance.co.uk or call us now on 0333 240 1291.